Made In Britain

Can Rabbits live Outside? How To Keep Your Bunny Safe and Happy in the Garden

Traditionally, rabbits were always kept outdoors, in hutches or sheds. This is, in fact, still one of the most popular housing options among bunny owners. Yet, as house bunnies become more common among the rabbit owner community, a debate has arisen. Can rabbits live outside? Do they prefer to live indoors? Will my rabbit be … Read more

Swifts and Swallows: Do you Know The Difference?

After the dark months of Winter, there is an air of expectancy as we enter Spring. The arrival of Swifts and Swallows is often evocative of childhood. In the last 20 years, numbers have greatly declined, due to climate change, fewer insects or through the loss of suitable nesting sites. As we await their arrival, do you know the difference between a Swift and a Swallow?