Made In Britain

Why Do Cats Like Tight Spaces?

Everyone knows cats are the Houdini’s of the animal world. Present them with the tightest of spaces, and they will take the challenge head-on (sometimes literally). Seeing some of the predicaments, they’ve gotten into; the question has to be why do cats like tight spaces?

Hedgehogs In Summer – What To Expect and How To Help

Summer is the time of year when you are most likely to actually see hedgehogs in your garden. Though they are nocturnal creatures, nights are so short in the summer months and hedgehogs have so much to do, that it’s not unusual to spot a healthy hedgehog out and about in the daylight. In this article, we are going to look at how to help hedgehogs in summer, what they might be doing and what challenges they face at this time of year.

Hedgehogs In Spring: What to Expect and How to Help

Our hedgehogs may have had a quiet time during winter hibernation, but they make up for it with a very busy few months during the spring. Just getting out of bed (or rousing from hibernation) is a huge effort. Then comes the mating season and nest building. It’s all going on in the wonderful world of hedgehogs in the spring, and there is plenty we can do to help hedgehogs in spring. 

Do Rabbits Make Good Pets For Kids?

Do rabbits make good pets for kids? That depends on the rabbit, and that depends on the child. Generally speaking, rabbits can make perfect pets for an older child. But when it comes to children under 10, a rabbit might not be the best match for a number of reasons.

Introducing The Crow Family | No Need for Unkindness, Or Murder!

The Crow or Corvid family worldwide is made up of around 40 species, with eight species breeding in the UK. Crows have been classed as nuisance birds, blamed for destroying crops and predating smaller, endangered songbirds. Reviled and associated with death in folklore. On the other hand, they are some of our most intelligent and long-lived birds, highly sociable birds with fascinating behaviours.

What is Guinea Pig Popcorning? And Why Does Your Cavy Do It?

The first time you see your cavy explode into the air, making all sorts of wheeking and squeaking noises you might be taken by surprise. You might even worry that your guinea pig is having a seizure. Don’t fret, there is nothing to worry about, this is just your guinea pig popcorning. And when your cavy does this, you know that you, as a cavy parent are doing a great job. Because when your guinea pig popcorns she is literally jumping for joy.

The Texel Guinea Pig | Breed Facts and Essential Care Guide

The Texel guinea pig, also affectionately known as the ‘Shirley Temple’ because of its curly long coat, has got to be one of the cutest cavies around. If you’re new to the world of guinea pigs, there’s a chance you may not be familiar with this little cavy, but trust us, after reading this article, you’ll be as smitten as we are.