Made In Britain

What Is a Healthy Weight For a Hedgehog?

Healthy adult hedgehogs typically weigh between 1 and 2 lbs in the wild. But there is vast variation, depending on the age and sex of the hog and the time of year. Being under-, or less commonly over-weight can cause big problems for hedgehogs, and the scales aren’t always the best way of telling whether a hog is carrying the right amount of body fat.

Hedgehogs In Summer – What To Expect and How To Help

Summer is the time of year when you are most likely to actually see hedgehogs in your garden. Though they are nocturnal creatures, nights are so short in the summer months and hedgehogs have so much to do, that it’s not unusual to spot a healthy hedgehog out and about in the daylight. In this article, we are going to look at how to help hedgehogs in summer, what they might be doing and what challenges they face at this time of year.

Cat v’s Hedgehog

We often get questions from customers who are worried that cats may hurt hedgehogs visiting the garden. The truth is that whilst they may love hedgehog food, 8 out of 10 cats (probably more like 9 out of 10 actually) are way too smart and lazy to tangle with a spikey visitor. 

Hedgehogs In Spring: What to Expect and How to Help

Our hedgehogs may have had a quiet time during winter hibernation, but they make up for it with a very busy few months during the spring. Just getting out of bed (or rousing from hibernation) is a huge effort. Then comes the mating season and nest building. It’s all going on in the wonderful world of hedgehogs in the spring, and there is plenty we can do to help hedgehogs in spring. 

The State of Britain’s Hedgehogs 2022 | Some Good News For Our Hogs

We know our hedgehogs are in trouble with numbers across the UK in sharp decline. This year’s State of Britain’s Hedgehogs report confirms that. But it also shows some good news for hedgehogs. In our towns and cities, hedgehog numbers are no longer falling and may finally be on the increase. And that’s down to the love and care given by all those people who help hedgehogs in the garden.

How To Set Up Your Hedgehog House For Hibernation

Hedgehogs traditionally hibernate in places like mature tree roots, old rabbit holes and the bases of established hedges. There aren’t too many of these habitats to be found in many of our gardens. So it’s good to provide a hedgehog house as an alternative hibernation home for our local hogs. Let’s take a look at how to set up your hedgehog house for hibernation.

Does Rescuing Hedgehogs Work? Can Released Hogs Survive and Thrive in the Wild?

Thousands of sick, injured and underweight hedgehogs are rescued in the UK every year. Rescue can save a hog from death or suffering. Once nursed back to health, or just fattened up, most hedgehogs will be released back into the wild. But can these hedgehogs go on to lead successful lives in the wild? Does rescuing hedgehogs work? The good news is that, surprisingly often, yes they can.