Made In Britain

Metabolic Bone Disease and Your Tortoise |Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Most forms of Metabolic Bone Disease are caused by improper care and occur when a tortoise has insufficient calcium, therefore, draws calcium from its skeleton and shells, causing bones and shell to become soft and malformed. This can lead to bone fractures, a misshapen shell, severe pain, and, ultimately a painful death, if not treated.

Marginated Tortoise (Testudo marginata) Breed Facts and Essential Care Guide

Marginated tortoises are one of the most commonly kept species of pet tortoise in the world so there is a lot of knowledge about their care requirements. Despite their abundance in captivity and the research surrounding them, there is still so much we can learn about caring for our shelled friends. Read on for everything you need to know about marginated tortoises.

Tortoise Shell Rot | How to Spot, Prevent and Treat This Dangerous Condition

A tortoise’s shell is probably its most distinctive feature and a very important part of its anatomy. tortoise shells are strong, but they can still suffer damage which can lead to tortoise shell rot: potentially a very serious condition. But what is shell rot, how is it diagnosed and what can we do about it? Although it’s something all tortoise owners need to be aware of, fear not, as it can be treated and is easily prevented.

Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone elegans) Breed Facts and Essential Care Guide

As one of the most beautifully decorated tortoises in the world, the Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) is a very popular pet. But this tortoise has very special requirements and It can be a challenge to create a suitable environment for them and to give them everything that they need. Many Indian stars die in captivity at an early age due to a lack of understanding of their needs. So read on for a full explanation of this fascinating species and how best to care for them.

Tortoise Substrate | What to Choose and How to Use

From lighting to heating, there are so many things to consider when caring for your pet tortoise, and picking the right substrate for your setup is on that list! If your tortoise substrate is too dry, your tortoise could become dehydrated: too moist they can develop respiratory infections or shell rot. With so many different tortoise substrates to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is right for your pet. Read on to learn more about what is best for your tortoise.

Understanding Tortoise Hibernation and How to Help Your Tort Hibernate Safely

If you are a tortoise owner in the UK, you are probably aware that the conditions you provide for your exotic pets are very different to those that they will experience in the wild. Hibernation is just one of the many things you need to consider as a tortoise owner. But what is tortoise hibernation and how do you make sure you do it safely?

Sulcata Tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata) | Your Complete Care Guide

As one of the largest tortoises in the world, the sulcata tortoise is a unique pet to have but one that can be found in thousands of homes across the globe. As well as being big, Sulcata tortoises are also long-lived and can easily outlive their owners. So it’s vital that we understand their needs to ensure that they can enjoy long and healthy lives.

Turtle and Tortoise: What’s the Difference?

Although closely related and with plenty of similarities, turtles, tortoises and terrapins are very different creatures that need to be respected as such. Once you know what sets them apart from each other, the differences will be obvious: so you can provide each with the correct care. From webbed feet to shell shapes, here’s everything you need to know about the differences between turtle and tortoise.