What is the Average Cost of Microchipping a Cat UK? >>REDIRECTED<<
We are often asked by pet owners whether it is worth having their furry family members microchipped, and our answer is always the same. If you love your cat or...
Home & Roost |
We are often asked by pet owners whether it is worth having their furry family members microchipped, and our answer is always the same. If you love your cat or...
Home & Roost |
Unfortunately, when it comes to stray cats in the UK, it's not necessarily a case of 'finders keepers, losers weepers'. According to the Theft Act of 1968, cats are considered...
Alan Brimm |
Cats are known for cleaning themselves, but what happens when your moggy spends a lot of time outside, and a self-grooming session isn't enough to get your feline looking, and...
Melinda Connor |
Cats in the UK can live for anything from 12 to 20 years and beyond. There are lots of different factors that effect the lifespan.
Melinda Connor |
Indoor vs outdoor cats? Which side of the fence are you on when it comes to this ongoing debate? In the UK, the majority of cat owners allow their cats...
Melinda Connor |
Are you wondering why a stray cat pops up at your front door as soon as you get home from work? Or perhaps it is propped up against the door...
Alan Brimm |
As cute as your kitten is when it arrives, you know there is going to come a day that it's no longer a tiny ball of fuzzy adorableness. But at...
Melinda Connor |
Have you noticed your cat scratching more than usual? There's a good chance it's fleas, which means you need to act fast. Although they're tiny, measuring between 1.5 to 3.2...
Melinda Connor |
Cats like a wander. So how do you know when your cat is just out for a wander and when it’s lost?
Alan Brimm |
With holidays on the horizon again and you sorted out who is going to look after your cat? We look at the pro’s and con’s of cat sitters and boarding...
Melinda Connor |
In case you didn’t know, catnip is to cats, what LSD is to humans. It is the meowijuana of the cat drug world, and most cats go absolutely wacky-doodle for...
Melinda Connor |
Unfortunately, the UK has over nine million stray cats and approximately one and a half million feral cats. And the problem shows no signs of abating. Cats can find themselves...
Melinda Connor |
Seeing your kittens going outside for the first time can feel like waving the kids off on their first day at school. It's a proud moment, a little bit scary...
Melinda Connor |
Cats are like your favourite chocolates because let's be honest, one just isn’t enough. You might be wanting to add another cat to your home because your current kitty is...
Melinda Connor |