Lost Cat? How Long do Cats Go Missing For? – Home & Roost

Lost Cat? How Long do Cats Go Missing For?

Lost Cat? How Long do Cats Go Missing For?

Melinda Connor |

Cats like to wander, so there is a good chance yours goes missing now and then. In our experience, it is not unusual for a cat to be MIA for 24 hours at a time. Some cats even disappear for two to three days at a time. But, no matter how often they do it, or how street-smart they are, it can still be a worrying time for you if you think you have a lost cat.

Of course, if you are new to owning a cat, the idea of your precious bundle being out of your sight for a few minutes can be distressing, let alone an entire day. Carry on reading to find about everything your feline, including:

  • How long do cats go missing for?
  • Why do they go missing?
  • What can be done to find a lost cat?
  • How to prevent cats from getting lost

How Long Do Cats Go Missing For?

It isn't uncommon for cats to go missing for 24 hours, especially if they like spending a lot of time outdoors. In some cases, cats can even stay away from home for up to 10 days at a time. We also know of cats that leave home while their humans are away on holiday, returning soon after the family arrives back. And in some instances, cats that have been missing for years have eventually been reunited with their owners.

Why Do Cats Go Missing?

Understanding why they go missing could help you prevent it from happening to your cat. Let's take a look at the three most common reasons cats go missing.

1. Unneutered cats can get lost while looking for a mate

One of the most common reasons unneutered male cats leave their home is to find a mate. Some cats might only have to wander around the neighbourhood before they pick up the scent of a female cat in heat, while others will travel for miles and miles.

Unfortunately, if the object of a cat's desires is locked inside a house, the male will simply wait it out until an opportunity presents itself. This means your cat could be gone for a day or two, or even as long as a week. And it isn't just male cats that go missing in pursuit of a mate. Unspayed females, although they won't travel as far, will also go looking for a mate when they are in heat.

One of the most effective ways to stop this from happening is to have your cat neutered or spayed. Not only will this simple procedure stop your cat wandering off in search of love, but it will also help prevent unwanted litters.

2. Cats go missing when their environments change

Cats are sensitive to change in their environment and are known to go missing when a new baby or pet makes an unexpected appearance. To stop your kitty feeling unloved or neglected, it is a good idea to prepare it for upcoming changes where possible.

Make sure your cat is always well looked after with access to fresh water, tasty food and a clean litter box. And if you are unable to provide it with the attention it is used to, ensure there is plenty of mental and physical stimulation. Not even indoor cats are immune to going missing if they no longer feel like they are the cat's whiskers.

3. Cats go missing when they are scared

While a cat's lightning fast reflexes often get it out of dangerous situations, they can also get it into them. When your cat is suddenly startled, it will leap into the air and run away as fast as it can. Unfortunately in its attempt to get away from whatever startled it, your cat can become disoriented.

Older cats will usually find their way home, even after a day or two, but kittens or less streetwise cats could get lost. If you are worried about your cat going missing, you should consider getting a cat GPS tracker. These nifty little gadgets will give you peace of mind and keep track of your cat when he is outdoors.

What To Do When Your Cat Goes Missing

It is not unusual for cats to go missing for a few hours a day, especially if they enjoy being outside. But if you notice your cat is gone longer than normal, there are a few things you can do to ensure its safe return.

Do a thorough search

Before you panic, it is best to do a thorough search around your house, your garden and your cat's favourite hiding spots. Be sure to check inside garages, sheds, as well as your neighbours' properties. And don't forget bins, gutters, under hedges, and compost bins. Cats are notorious for finding the best places to hide, so grab a torch (if it is dark), some tasty treats and start thinking like a cat.

Try and remember your cat's past behaviour. Did it go missing round about the same time last year? The warmer weather during spring and summer often has cats wandering off for longer stretches at a time. Or it could be that your kitten is feeling confident to travel a little further than usual.

Lost Cat?

Let other people know

Once you have searched high, low, and anywhere in between and your cat is still missing, it is time to let other people and organisations know. Post a recent photograph on the different social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter. Take advantage of pages that have been set up specifically to help find missing cats, such as Cat Aware and Missing Pets GB. Remember to include a full description with their age, name and last known whereabouts, as well as any distinguishable features that will make it easier to identify your cat.

You can also further your search by creating a missing pet flyer and check with local shelters, your vet, and community forums. If your cat has been missing for a few days, it is worth asking boarding kennels in your area. There are also some great lost and found websites that have reunited lost cats with their owners.

Leave food and water outside your door

It is a good idea to leave some food, water, your cat's favourite treats and even its toy outside overnight. A scared cat will often make its way back home after dark when there are fewer people and less traffic around. If you have a baby monitor, you could place this near the bowl of food to pick up meowing sounds.

Check old addresses

It is not uncommon for cats to go missing in search of their old home, so if you have recently moved, ask your previous neighbours to keep an eye out for your cat. And if you have rehomed or adopted a cat, check with those owners too. It isn't uncommon for cats to travel many miles to their old address.

What You Can Do To Keep Your Cat From Getting Lost

There really is nothing more distressing than when your cat goes missing or is lost. And even if you think it will never happen to your kitty, there are a couple of things you can do to ensure yours doesn't end up on a lost or found poster.

Microchip your cat

Although it is not a legal prerequisite in the UK to microchip your cat, we suggest you do it as soon as possible. June is National Microchip Month, so it is the perfect time to get it done. And remember if any of your contact details have changed, you need to update these with your microchip database.

Use a collar with a name tag

Because not everyone knows about microchips, a collar with your cat's name and your contact details is essential. Not only does a collar help identify your pet, but it also stops people thinking it is a stray. Make sure your contact details are on the tag, as well as on the inside of the collar.

Make sure your cat is neutered or spayed

As we have mentioned before, unneutered cats will travel long distances if they pick up the scent of a female in heat. To prevent this from happening, you must have your cat neutered (or spayed) as soon as possible. Not only will this stop it roaming the streets, but it will also prevent unwanted litters.

Provide your cat with plenty of stimulation

Cats are intelligent creatures and need plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Make sure you spend quality time with your kitty every day and set up activity areas in your home. Scratching posts, hammocks and lots of toys will stop your cat wandering off in search of excitement. Also, establish a set routine for mealtimes so that your cat doesn't feel the need to hunt for dinner.

Don't leave your cat out overnight

Even the most street smart cats need to feel secure when it gets dark. Make sure you bring your cat in if you are away for the day and at night. Knowing your cat is safely indoors will give you peace of mind, and keep your cat safe. This is especially important during heavy rainstorms or annual celebrations such as Guy Fawkes when your cat can become disoriented.

Let us know if you found this article helpful? Perhaps your cat has gone missing before, and there was a happy ending to the 'tale'?  We would love to hear about it, so feel free to share in the comments below.


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Our Felix, male a year and a half old, nurtured, chipped, an indoor-outdoor cat
Has been gone for 10 days. My heart is broken and I am afraid for what has befallen him.He is big and strong and climbs trees well . We canvassed the neighborhood with flyers.
I will pray for all who have lost their cats! Beth Lewis

Beth Lewis,

Big black man took him MUAHAHAHAHAAHAH NIGGERS

Niger man,

My cat is an indoor cat only but one morning he suddenly he bolted outside so fast I couldn’t get him! I was in shock and I had no idea what possessed him? He doesn’t know the neighborhood so how would he find his way back? I put out food and toys. A few traps and lots of flyers all around. Posted him on Facebook and many websites and went looking for him as I called his name but nothing. I’m feeling like someone has him which is a real disappointment and wrong.


Hello everyone I’m a devoted cat lover and my tabby Bootsy has not returned since I let her go out early this morning around 2:30-3:300am because she was showing signs of anxiety and another heat cycle the first time she stayed gone approximately 3 weeks and we realized she was pregnant so I decided to make her stay inside only to go on the front porch with me however not wanting to be cruel I allowed her unrestricted liberty and closed the door while observing her not to come inside like she normally does but she was randomly meowing in the opposite direction of the door so I’m assuming that she’s looking for a mate she’s had one successful litter and I was only looking out for her needs and my peace of mind because she can be very irritating and it’s not fair to keep her couped up 24/7 however I’m concerned about her safety and wearabouts i understand everyone’s loss and hurt I’m just praying she will come home soon

Vincent Martin,

Our neighbours cat visited us very often before she disappeared for over two months. She used to sit on the doorstep until we had to open the door for other reasons, then she would rush in and spend hours sleeping. Because I am disabled I could not lift her and put her back outside. We didn’t feed her. We had a growing concern that our neighbours thought that we encouraged this behaviour. One day I became quite firm with our visiting cat and said that she couldn’t come in. Very soon after that she disappeared for over two months and was found, over two months later (due to being chipped) several 100 miles away. Now she is back I am inclined to let her sleep in my house again, with the assurance that she will want to return home every day when she becomes hungry. I feel that rejecting her or trying to get her out before she is ready is not helpful. She had fairly recently moved from abroad to the UK and also a new kitten was introduced to the household, so perhaps this is why.


Our cat vanished on 27 th November, went out to do the toilet at 22.45 and didn’t return, we left the patio door open for easy access
Anyway wife went out looking around neighborhood at 6am next morning but no sign
It’s really ourt of character, she did disappear for 5 hours one night during summer though
We live in a cul de sac area and have a railway line near us but that has a metal fence along it
We very put flyers in the area and along the main road but as yet no sightings, she s microchips and neutered
We are all sick with worry, not knowing is driving us insane
My gut instinct says she been taken by someone


Did you find your cat?


Me and my husbands Catt has gone missing for almost three days now. He is neutered and about 2 years old. I have been calling whistling and no response. He usually comes running when I call him. I’m feeling so worried and desperate!

Susan Rappa,

We lost our cat Lucas… now 5 days. We are in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Lucas is a a beautiful Tabby, slender, microchipped, with a collar. We have been looking everywhere. We ask for everyone to keep watch for lost cats. Many of us looking for these important members of our families!

Ray Gabaldon,

My name is Angie, good day to you all,
My cat Dobby has been gone exactly 2 weeks today he is neutered & he is an outside cat! ?? I have literally done everything! I have a special relationship with this guy! I have a chronic depression/anxiety disorder as well as PTSD! These are all debilitating, I currently do not live life,I cannot maneuver life as productive member of society?I feel useless & embarrassed, almost ashamed!! I am doing my best to just exist in this world as sad as that is! My cat Dobby is my support, and by that I mean that Dobby is my cure, he’s my crutch, he’s my source of confidence & my source of love! He has given me the confidence I need to live a life of normalcy & comfort, he gives me some of my esteem back day by day! Dobby knows before I even know if I am about to have an episode & when I’m about to have one of attacks/breakdowns! He will come running toward me with , almost a look of “wait, I’m coming i’m coming Mom i’m coming”, I will then sit or lay down at which point Dobby lays on my chest, and then, that little piece of skin between your thumb and your pointer finger(everyone has it) well, Dobby literally will softly suck that piece of skin! While sucking he stares directly into eyes as if his eyes are saying “Don’t worry Momma, me and you will get through this together”, & before too long he’s up and gone to play, and for me, it’s like the attack that was clearly about to happen, didn’t happen at all, or at least that’s how I feel anyway, either way though Dobby done that, he got me through a potential crisis and he did so in the most peaceful loving way So now you understand me when I say That I cannot live my life without this little guy, I desperately need him! I love him and I know that he loves me too ? Please come back home Dobby, I love you ?

Angie Bradbury,

my cat belle has being gone 6 days she is 10 yrs old ive being trying to get her home she jumped out window uaually comes back but has not returned yet i dont know if she will im heart broken


I lost 2 cats that were later found dead in crawl spaces under houses. Years later another cat I had wandered off and I couldn’t find her for 3 days. I took my 2 Dachsh7nds out with me and we walked around the neighborhood. My dogs helped me find her. She had followed a handyman under an apt building. I guess the handyman didn’t notice her and when he left he simply put the crawl space vent back on the house, thereby trapping my cat ins8de. I took the crawl space vent off and my cat came out. I took her home. Another time she was gone again for 5 days. I again took my Dachshunds with me and they helped me find my cat. This time she had wandered into a storage garage and got locked inside. The garage was only used for storage and if my dogs hadn’t helped me find her she would have died in there before anyone ever came back to unlock the door. I contacted the property owner and they opened the garage for me the next day. That cat was very friendly. She loved everyone and would follow humans any where. So beware that cats love cool quiet places like crawl spaces and storage rooms and garages. Always look in those places if your cat is missing.


I have a sad story
Two of my cats disappeared escaped on Aug 12
I live by a farm
No sightings by neighbours
Both are bengals one is half Bengal
I am so depressed life is meaningless to me atm
It’s more than three weeks
I’m doing everything posters traps food litter blankets flyers speaking to neighbours
I don’t know what more but not giving up
U think they were eaten by coyotes?
They are indoor but I let them out on a leash
Screen net of the washroom fell and when I came home they were gone!
I’m heartbroken ? can’t function


I’m reading all those comments above and would love to know if you found your cats – that would probably give me some more hope… Mine went out at midday on 31.08 and i haven’t seen him since. His is outdoor/indoor cat, nearly 3 years old. We had to leave for a week so he stayed on his own but my friend kept coming everyday to check on him and give him fresh food (he had also dry food dispensed ). I watched him on cameras and seemed fine all the time. He is neutered so he definitely didn’t leave to mate. he liked to be outdoor as i have fields behind my garden so he spent loads of time in the bushes but he has never been away for longer than a day. I keep going through fields with hope that he will pick up my scent and come back but somewhere on the back of my head i fear that he may not be alive anymore for any reason. i would rather had him hanging out at someone else place and know he is well than if something happened to him.
I don’t loose hope yet, I think i will hear that cat flap opening noise once again and his meow telling us that he is back….


I have seven cats. Five cats live with me, other two visits everyday sometime in two three days gap. I got one cat last year in a mosque and interestingly it was adopted by then mothercat Guddi. We named him " Stranger". After one year, the adopted cat which we thought was a male cat gave birth to two kittens. After the kitten was born, the other cat was chased away by Stranger. White Paw, with whom Stranger was grown, was bitten by her (Stranger) and after that day White Paw stopped coming to take food. We are worried about her. She was very much responsive and adorable pet we’hd. We informed our neighbors but still we’ve not been able to track her.


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