You might think you know a lot about your rabbits, but do you know the following facts? Sadly, many people don’t realise that rabbits need to have space to run, jump, hop and move around freely. They don’t realise that the lack of stimulation results in unhappy bunnies that can experience behavioural problems and have health conditions that could have been easily prevented with the right care.
Please share these tips below to help current and soon to be rabbit owners realise that their new pet isn’t just a cute bundle of fluff.
- Rabbits love the social life. In the wild they live in groups in warrens. They like to have company and so it’s never a good idea to buy a single rabbit. Buy two and remember to spend time with your pets as often as you can, they will love to be social with you too!
- Rabbits are the third most popular pet in the UK. Sadly, many of the millions of pet rabbits don’t have a suitable cage. Retailers sell small cages and new rabbit owners think that the cage is suitable, but in many cases they are not, they are cruel. Buy a cage that is the right size for your rabbits, remembering that bunnies will grow very quickly. Buy a hutch that measures 6ft x 2ft x 2ft tall, at least. Don’t forget a rabbit run too!
- Rabbits like to stand on their back feet in order to look for predators. Your bunny needs to have the ability to stand on their hind legs whether they are in the run or the hutch. If danger is present, your rabbit will thump their hind legs to give a warning to their family and friends.
- Rabbits should not be considered as an easy to care for pet, because they aren’t. These pets require a lot of cleaning, attention, they need to visit the vet, have vaccinations and require flea and worm treatments just like cats and dogs.
- Rabbits need to have the ability to hide in order to feel safe. They have a lot of predators and therefore they feel threatened, a lot! Rabbits that are confined to open spaces can experience stress and become very unhappy because they have no shelter and no hidey holes to escape to when they feel under threat. Provide plenty of small and secure hiding places in hutches, in the garden and home and in rabbit runs too.
These days we know a lot more about rabbit care and how to keep them happy and healthy. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the work that is involved in improving the welfare for rabbits. Please share your knowledge with your friends and family who are entering the world of rabbit care for the first time.