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How To Repel Grey Squirrels | 5 Top Tips To Keep Them out of Your Garden

We are committed animal lovers here at Home & Roost. We love our garden birds, hedgehogs, bees and foxes. We wouldn’t dream of killing a spider. But we understand that some people draw the line at grey squirrels. They can cause serious damage to plants and property and empty your bird feeders in no time. So here's our guide on how to repel grey squirrels.

Clare Stone 6, July 2020

How To Repel Grey Squirrels | 5 Top Tips To Keep Them out of Your Garden

How To Repel Grey Squirrels

Grey squirrels are legally classed as an Invasive Alien Species here in the UK. If you’ve ever had them in your loft you will know that this scary sounding description is no exaggeration.

In this article we are going to look at how to stop grey squirrels becoming a problem in your house and garden.

How To Repel Grey Squirrels

Why are Grey Squirrels a Problem?

If you are in any doubt about whether you should be discouraging or getting rid of grey squirrels take a look at our article on how they came to be in the UK.

In a nutshell, they’ve done an awful lot of damage to our native wildlife in the 150 years they have been in the UK. 

And they have the potential to do plenty of damage to your home and garden.

This includes:

  • Gnawing through woodwork.
  • Stripping insulation from wiring.
  • Shredding fibreglass roof insulation.
  • Peeing in your cold water tank.
  • Damaging trees.
  • Digging up bulbs.
  • Raiding your fruit and veg.
  • Eating your bird food.
  • Raiding birds nests.

Although they may look cute, especially if you’ve never been lucky enough to see a native red squirrel, it really is best to deter them.

Squirrels in Your Home and Outbuildings

Squirrels love a nice cosy attic, loft or garage. If they can find a space in your buildings they will happily move in and start raising a family. You’ll have saved them the bother of building a nest or dray.

As we’ve seen squirrels in your buildings can do real structural damage and potentially pose health risks for you if you have an open water tank in the loft.

Plus the sound of those not-so-tiny feet scampering around doesn’t make for a good night's sleep.


Prevention will always be better than cure. So the smart move will be making sure that squirrels don’t get into your buildings in the first place.

Climbing plants can provide a handy ladder for quarrels to access your loft. Keep them well trimmed.

There are a couple of simple steps that will help keep squirrels out of your buildings.

  1. Trim back overhanging branches. Take a good look at any trees around your house and cut back branches that overhang your roof. Squirrels can jump up to 8 feet. So tree branches need to be cut back so they are more than 8 feet from the roof.
  2. Keep Ivy and climbing plants under control. Ivy and other established climbing pants can provide a handy ladder for squirrels to reach your roof space. Make sure that climbers are kept trimmed back so they don't get near to the roofline. 
  3. Block Up Entry Points. Look for any holes or gaps that give access to your roof spaces and block up. Ideally use strong wire mesh, securely fastened. Remember wood does not pose much of a problem for a determined squirrel.


If squirrels are already present in your property there are several things you can try to get rid of them. With all these tactics you are making the squirrels feel uncomfortable or under threat, so they will leave.

  1. Make some noise. Squirrels are not keen on being around humans. So a radio left on a talk station could well see them off. You can also buy Ultrasonic Pest Scarers which are effective on rodents but do not disturb humans or pets.
  2. Leave the lights on. Squirrels are more comfortable in twilight or darkness. Leave a light on in your loft or garage. A cool toned LED is likely to be most effective.
  3. Introduce Predator Scent. Squirrels will move out if they smell predators. You can buy commercial sprays that contain the essence of fox. Use these to spray the problem area. Alternatively dog, cat or human hair sprinkled on the floor will have the same effect.


If the squirrels won’t leave when you ask them nicely you may feel you need to forcibly remove them.

If you are an animal lover you’re probably not going to find any of these options very appealing.

  1. Poison. It’s a nasty way to die and would be a last resort for us. But Rodent poison can be an effective way of getting rid of squirrels. There are plenty of different poisons available. If you are going to use poison you need to take great care, especially around children and pets.
  2. Traps. A humane trap, or “catch trap” may seem like a good solution. But for squirrels it’s more problematic. It’s illegal to release a trapped grey squirrel. Because of their status as an Invasive Alien Species trapped grey quarrels must be destroyed. So this leaves you with an unpleasant task if you do catch any.
  3. Pest Control. After taking a look at the other options you may decide calling in the professionals is your best option. A Pest Control Specialist will deal with the problem effectively and as humanely as possible. You can find a local pest control specialist here.

Squirrels in the Garden

Squirrels in your garden can wreak havoc on your trees, flowers, fruit and veg as well as other wildlife.


It can be difficult to keep squirrels out of your garden if they are in the neighbourhood already. But here are a few strategies you can try which will make the garden unattractive to them.

  1. Cutting Back Trees. Squirrels will run along fences, the ground and even washing lines. But they much prefer to be in trees. Try to make sure that your tree branches are 8 feet clear of your neighbours. This way you block the squirrel's most natural route into your garden.
  2. Grow Plants that squirrels hate. Although squirrels are notorious for digging up bulbs, there are also plenty of bulbs they can't stand the smell of and will avoid.  Grow daffodils. Hyacinths, Lily of the valley snowdrops and alliums to make your garden unattractive to squirrels. 
  3. Scare them off. Most dogs and many cats chase squirrels. This is one bad behaviour you might want to encourage. As with squirrels indoors, using hair or a commercial spray to create the smell of predators can work. You could also try a motion-triggered sprinkler which will squirt them. Or an Owl decoy can be very effective.
  4. Remove all sources of food. Though we’ve seen this advice around we don't really see how it’s a practical strategy for a garden. Squirrels are herbivores. They will eat pretty much anything that grows. This includes nuts, seeds, fruit and berries, sweet corn and tomatoes. That’s before they even get started on tasty bird food. So, this piece of advice is probably better in theory than in practice.
Our Squirrel deterrent.

Damage Limitation

If the squirrels aren’t put off by the measures above then your next move is limiting the damage they cause.

  1. Protect Trees. Squirrels can strip the bark off trees weakening and eventually killing them. Protect trees, especially young ones, with a spiral tree protector. Or wire mesh.
  2. Fruit Cages and Bird Netting. Protect fruit and veg from squirrel attack by building cages with wire mesh/chicken wire, or covering fruit trees with bird netting. If you are using netting remember to keep it stretched tight so you don't trap birds. And keep it a few inches off the floor so hedgehogs don't get tangled up.
  3. Companion Planting. Planting things that squirrels don't like in amongst the things you want to protect works well. So as well as the bulbs mentioned above, try nasturtiums, marigolds, geraniums, mint and garlic. Squirrels have a very good sense of smell and all these plants smell unpleasant to them.
  4. Mulching. Squirrels don’t like the feel of mulch under their feet. Gravel is particularly unpleasant for them. So a layer of this around plants you want to protect could be effective.
  5. Cayenne Pepper and Chilli. You can sprinkle cayenne or chilli in areas of the garden you want to keep squirrel-free. Either sprinkle dry or make up a spray with water. But remember cayenne and chilli do hurt them. If they get it into their eyes it can even cause temporary blindness. So you may want to think twice about this method.

Removing Squirrels From your Garden

This is probably even more difficult than getting rid of squirrels from your house.

Poison is obviously not very humane. And as well as the risks to pets and children you run the risk of poisoning other wildlife, like hedgehogs or birds.

Traps again could easily end up trapping the wrong creature.

You are legally allowed to shoot grey squirrels, because of their status as a pest. So if you have an air rifle then this might be a way forward.

But again, given the difficulties of removing squirrels yourself you might be best to call in professional pest control.

Keeping Squirrels Off Your Bird Food

Squirrels are a rodent. The same family as rats. Much of what we said in our article about how to feed birds without attracting rats is true for squirrels too. 

There are a couple of additional, squirrel-specific things you can also try.

  1. Cut the Peanuts. Peanuts are the real prize for squirrels on the bird food menu. So cutting out peanuts from your garden birds diet could be enough to make the squirrels lose interest.
  2. Squirrel-proof Bird Feeders. Buy specialist squirrel proof bird feeders. These will allow the birds to enjoy a meal, but keep the food safe from squirrels.
  3. Squirrel Baffle. Buy or make a squirrel baffle to stop them climbing up to your bird table or feeding station. 
  4. Greasy Pole Method. Though squirrels are great at climbing a greasy pole may defeat them. Try rubbing down your bird table or feeding station pole worth oil to make it too slippery for them to get a grip.
  5. Squirrel-repellent bird food. You can buy bird food laced with chilli or cayenne. The birds don’t taste the pepper and will still enjoy the food, but the squirrels won't touch it


A baffle can help keep squirrels off your bird feeders.

If You Can’t Beat Them, Feed Them

If nothing else works and the squirrels are still happy in your garden, or if you just like having them around then why not feed them?

You can buy squirrel feeders, and squirrel food. This should at least give them an easy option for a meal and keep them off the bird table and away from your plants and crops.

Conclusion: Grey Squirrels Are Not Welcome Visitors

Grey squirrels are becoming ever more common in the UK with more than 2.5 million now on the loose.

They cause damage to property and wildlife and spread disease to our few remaining native red squirrels.

It’s not a good idea to allow them to get comfortable in your home or garden. We hope we gave you some ideas on how to prevent squirrels moving in, or deal with the problem if you already have them.

For further advice and information or advice on how to deal with squirrel problems visit the British Pest Control Association Website.


If you have ever seen any animal -or squirrel die from Rat poison /warfrin it’s a horrific painful ordeal you cannot get out of your mind -I cannot -I don’t recommend -at all, I have been told when any other living thing eats from that poisoned body -they die a horrific death as well. It should not be a consideration. My bird feeders are strung along a cloths line I don’t use anymore -too high for ground animals. I use a red flood light into my backyard -if you can find one with adjustable strobe even better and doubles at xmasof you buy an alternate colour one or two. Owls and squirrels will leave. A large owls or hawk decoy a must -as it will keep other owls and hawks from squatting as well. We should all use a little be “gentle and kind” and that goes for ever living thing ( except weeds :)


I feel for you. Our 6 local squirrels multiply by 2 twice a year so next year we will have over 12 squirrels digging up my garden unless I manage to catch a few and deal with them with my air pistol.


I’ve tried just about everything. They are driving me insane and costing me a fortune in bird food. Even tried buying the squirrel/chipmunk food and own feeder and all that happened was that they ate that then moved on to the bird food. When I try to chase them they brazenly look at me as if I’m the intruder. The only solution is that I’m going to have to stop feeding the birds or have more and more squirrels all the time.

Joan Butler,

We had squirrels in the roof, my wife arrived home from a birthday party with some helium filled balloons, these in the loft, no more squirrels. Unfortunately the balloons ? don’t last that long ?.


I shoot and kill them they are a pest.they take all the small birds food and kill some small bird’s they also take there ages. Fox ? kill the grey sqerals to and eat them. There is no free food for the grey sqerals in my garden so don’t be mean kill them clean. Shot gun ? harry.


I knew squirrels were clever, but I never realised they could play chess.

Derek M,

Plant daffodils? Not in our garden. Whether they like daffodils bulbs or not, they dig them up and destroy them. So much so that I’ve given up on growing daffodils.

Hey Ho,

I’ve tried chilli and cayenne but it made the food tastier for the squirrels that come to my garden. Squirrels are like rats with furry tails – they can get into the tiniest of spaces. They climb the drainpipe and sandstone wall to get where my hanging basket was.

I’ve started jingling my keys when they are near – they definitely don’t like that! I watched from a height one day as they go over a wall. 8 squirrels were running all over the place.

Alas a pair have just mated on the wall across from me, so there will be more soon.

G Miller,

How to prevent squirrels from climbing on top of pool screen enclosure????


A interesting and alarming article on how to get rid off and deter squirrels from your home and garden.

Your readers need to be clear ‘There are no amateur use products for poisoning squirrels available to the public. Pest professionals do have access to legally authorised grey squirrel poisons (Warfarin only) that are only for use inside buildings.’ as quoted from the BPCA link you provided at the end of your article.
Please amend your advice on the ‘Removal’ section paragraph stating ‘There are plenty of different poisons available’. with the link to Amazon misleading your readers to buy rat poison to control squirrels. The rodenticide for sale on Amazon is for Rats and Mice only.

Mr S Thomas,

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