How To Tell If a Hedgehog is Dead Or Hibernating? – Home & Roost

How To Tell If a Hedgehog is Dead Or Hibernating?

How To Tell If a Hedgehog is Dead Or Hibernating?

Clare Stone |

As we move into autumn clean up mode in our gardens, there is a chance you could come across a hedgehog. Hopefully, he or she will scuttle off out of your way. But if the hedgehog does not move what are you to do? How do you know if it's dead or hibernating? And what should you do in either case?

How to Tell If a Hedgehog is Dead or Hibernating.

In most cases, we can check whether an animal is alive or dead by checking for signs of movement, breathing—pulse or checking the temperature.

Things aren't so simple with a hibernating hedgehog. Hibernation is a state of torpor where the hedgehog dramatically slows down many of its biological processes to conserve energy over the winter.

  • A hibernating hog takes very occasional shallow breaths.
  • The heart rate slows to sometimes as little as 2 beats per minute.
  • The body temperature will drop to between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius.

So you can see how difficult it will be to check for signs of life in the usual way. A hibernating hedgehog will feel cold, you probably won't be able to find a heartbeat (even if you do happen to have a stethoscope with you in the garden!) and breathing will be difficult to detect.

You won't want to leave a dead hedgehog in the garden. But equally, it's very important not to move or disturb a hibernating hedgehog. So what to do - how do you tell the difference?

Signs That a Hedgehog is Hibernating Not Dead

Luckily there are some telltale signs to look for.

Firstly, hedgehogs generally hibernate curled up in a ball. But they don't naturally die curled up. So if your hedgehog is in a ball, there is a good chance it is hibernating, not dead.

If the hedgehog is curled into a ball, you can also touch it's spines lightly. A gentle touch will not be enough to rouse the hog from hibernation. But if the hog is alive, it will ripple or shudder, and it may let out a little snoring noise.

So if you're hedgehog is curled up in a ball and gives a little ripple or shudder when you touch it, as well as maybe a little snore, it is most likely hibernating, not dead.

What To Do If You Disturb a Hibernating Hedgehog

Ideally, hibernating hedgehogs should not be disturbed at all. Hibernation is a difficult process for hedgehogs. They need to store up a lot of energy to get through it. They will rouse from hibernation several times during the winter. But the process of waking uses a tremendous amount of energy. So if you can avoid rousing them unnecessarily, you should.

It takes quite a lot to rouse a hibernating hedgehog. So if you have simply uncovered one whilst clearing up outdoors, you probably won't have disturbed it.

You should cover it up again as quickly and gently as possible and leave it in peace. Don't do any more cleaning up in that area until spring.

But there will be occasions when you simply can't leave the hog where it is. Maybe it's hibernated in a shed or outbuilding which is usually closed. Or maybe it's in a spot where you are having building work done. Or in a bonfire.

If you must move the hog, do it gently and quietly; you may be able to make the move without rousing the hog from hibernation.

If you do need to move the hog, move him with as much of his nest as possible. Place him in a hedgehog house that is filled with leaves or hay and situated in a quiet corner.

Try not to move him far from where you found him. Hedgehogs know the territory where they live. They know where to find food, water and nesting materials. Moving a hibernating hedgehog away from his home range will put him at a severe disadvantage when he does wake. Just imaging yourself going to sleep in your bed and waking up in a strange bed in a strange city - scary stuff!

You can help by leaving a dish of water and a small amount of dry hedgehog food close to the hibernation site. This way, when the hog does rouse, there will be food and water close by.

Never try to Rouse a Hibernating Hedgehog.

When hedgehog rescuers overwinter a hedgehog, they may occasionally need to rouse an underweight hog who is trying to go into hibernation. This is a very risky process and should only be undertaken by trained experts.

Warming a hedgehog up will bring it out of hibernation. But warming it up too quickly is also very likely to kill it.

So, unless you can see or smell other obvious signs that the hedgehog is dead, it is best to assume that a balled-up hedgehog is hibernating and leave it in peace.

Hedgehog Lying Flat.

A hedgehog lying flat who is cold and still is much more likely to be dead. More likely, but not definitely.

Hedgehogs who overheat lie flat and press their bellies to the ground, which is usually a cooling surface.

If this doesn't work, they go into a state called aestivation. This is a bit like hibernation. Bodily functions create heat, so an overheating hedgehog who can't cool down any other way will start to shut down its bodily functions in an effort to cool down. So once again, breathing and heartbeat will be difficult to detect.

In very hot climates some hedgehog species like the African Pygmy use aestivation to sleep through the worst of the hot weather, in the same way, that our hedgehogs use hibernation in the cold.

An aestivating hedgehog will ripple or shudder when touched, same as a hibernating hog.

Though aestivation is a natural process in hot climates, it shouldn't really be happening in the UK. So we would suggest that if you come across an aestivating hedgehog, you contact your local vet or hedgehog rescue.

What to Do with a Dead Hedgehog.

First be very, very sure that it is dead. If you are in any doubt at all contact your vet or your local hedgehog rescue.

Once you are confident, you can either:

  • Bury it on your own property.
  • Contact the local vet, who may be able to get it cremated for you.

If you choose to bury the hog at home:

  1. Dig a hole at least 2 feet deep.
  2. Wrap the hog in something biodegradable - newspaper or cardboard is fine.
  3. When you have refilled the hole place something heavy on top to stop pets or other animals digging it up. A heavy plant pot or paving slab will do.

Report it

Always report a dead hedgehog to Garden Wildlife Health. You can do this online in a couple of minutes using this link.

Garden Wildlife Health is a collaboration between The Zoological Society of London and several of our leading conservation organisations. It'sIt's aim is to track the health of wildlife in our gardens. It's vital work, and every report counts.

Conclusion: Be Very Careful Before You Bury a ""Dead"" Hedgehog.

There will sadly be times when it's obvious that a hog is dead just by looking at it. But other times a hog that looks dead could easily be hibernating or aestivating. So we need to be very, very careful before making any decisions about what to do with it. If in doubt, always contact your local hedgehog rescue or vat.

We hope you have found this article useful. If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear them. Leave us a comment below.


I have hedgehogs coming into my garden. I feed and give them water every night. At the moment I am feeding them kitten food, should they be eating wet food now ???OIt was in our garden yesterday afternoon and it seemed OK, so I put him back in his hedgehog hut made him comfortable and put straw in .when I checked this morning he wasn’t moving. I am worried he might be dead, he was still curled up. I have left him in his box could he be dead ?? Please help !!!

C Jeffery,

Found what looked like a hibernating hedgehog, had to move him/her gentle with the bed, used loads of fresh grass cuttings and left in a small house but today it started smelling and I looked and maggots were everywhere poor thing. He/she has just been buried and I’m trying to find out what would cause death while hibernating? He/she was curled up.


Hi I’ve got a live camera hedgehog nest box I’ve got one hibernating in there how do I know if it’s alive or dead ?It’s curled up but I could see lots of wood lice in there does that mean it’s dead ? Any help would be appreciated thanks.


I found a small hedgehog laying on its side not rolled up very cold but not sure if dead I’ve put it in my pouch but it’s not woke up iam now sure it’s deid of cold last night it was – 4


Rescued a small hedgehog from garden and brought him into house to warm up.
First and second evening he was really active but checked on him yesterday and he is lying flat on his side.
His legs are stiff as are his prickles.
He hasn’t moved for over 24 hours and cannot see any breathing.

I have placed him in garage in a box with towel and fleece covering but afraid to put him outside incase he is alive.
Can you advise please x

Julie Cottam,

The food and water I’m putting out disappears each night so I don’t know whether I’m feeding the hedgehog in my hedgehog hotel or local vermin are eating it.
The poo around looks like hedgehog droppings.
I’m wondering when it will start to hibernate and I should stop leaving food out.
Any advice please?


Thank you Clare and the internet – I’ve just exhumed a live hedgehog!
I was convinced he was dead so I buried it. I thought ‘if hibernating it would surely wake to my prodding’. Then immediately I thought, hmm, its not in rigor, its soft. I figure this is a really dumb subject for my hubby to find I’ve googled, but so grateful I found your description. Now he’s tightly curled in a cardboard box on its side, and I’ll follow your directions with autumn leaves. We had first frost this morning.


Found a hedgehog under my tarpaulin when clearing out garden for winter and carefully put it into hedgehog house in garden with leaves and hay have I done the right thing as doesnt seem to be distressed or disturbed,

I have a dead hedgehog hog I buried it a week ago but it resurfaced was going to move it but ended up in hospital it is now smelling in garden don’t know what to do I also have a fobia of deaf animals any help


Yes, they do niff and can make an area pungent – but it isn’t on purpose. As the article suggests, leave it alone but keep a low dish of fresh water close by and some dry food there as well for when he wakes up. Check on him every day, and refresh the water periodically,but be respectful and don’t poke him. When he does wake up, if he can’t get out, then you’ll be there within a few hours to assist.

Mrs Dawn Holmes,

Thank you for this information.

For the last five years plus, I’ve been privileged to have hedgehogs visit me every evening and overwinter in the hedgehog box I’ve provided for them.

I feed them every night with hedgehog food and always leave fresh water.

The information provided has given me a greater insight of how a hedgehog survives along with helpful tips for the future.

Joan McGregor,

We have found a hedgehog in our garage and we think it is hybernating it has made our garage ponga bit . We don’t know how he got in of if he can get out any advice on what to do

Beverley oram,

Thank you Clare ,informative and reassurening.we have a
large hedgehog winter sleeping peacefully in our garden safe box and we are caring for a little one 100g c\o our vets to 200g ,over the last 10 weeks he is 420g. We love feeding,caring and loving him supported by our pawsome cat BarneyJo.

Evelyn Assey,

Hi Wal,

I would suggest you take this to your local hedgehog rescue if you can. If the hog is small it is very unlikely to survive the winter.

Best Wishes


Clare Stone,

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