Understanding Hedgehog Sleeping Habits
What You Need to Know Hedgehogs sleep for about 14 hours daily, hoglets up to 20 hours. They are nocturnal, active primarily at night to forage for food. Proper environmental...
Clare Stone |
What You Need to Know Hedgehogs sleep for about 14 hours daily, hoglets up to 20 hours. They are nocturnal, active primarily at night to forage for food. Proper environmental...
Clare Stone |
In the UK hedgehogs typically go into Hibernation in October or November. They come out in late March or April. Timings vary depending on the weather and the supply of...
Clare Stone |
Hedgehogs are one of our most loved wild animals here in the UK. But their numbers are in decline, and they are not the common sight they used to be....
Clare Stone |
From Beatrix Potter to Sonic, hedgehogs are one of our most loved and recognisable mammals. But hedgehogs in the UK are in trouble. Numbers are in steep decline as intensive...
Clare Stone |
Poo can tell you so much about the animals that visit your garden. Who they are, what they are eating and how healthy they are. Hedgehogs are one of our...
Clare Stone |
This isn’t an easy question to answer. Hedgehogs are hard to count. THey only come out at night, they hibernate for half the year, and they live in undergrowth.
Clare Stone |
Hedgehogs are nocturnal and usually sleep during the daytime. Pregnant or nursing mothers may need to be out during the day. Otherwise, if you see hedgehogs in daytime they are...
Clare Stone |
Gardens up and down the country are now incredibly important environments for hedgehogs. And the good news is that whilst hedgehog numbers are still in decline in the countryside, hedgehogs...
Clare Stone |
Are you worried about hedgehog food attracting rats? Read our top tips on how to keep hedgehogs happy without making rats feel at home.
Clare Stone |
You can use your hedgehog house as a feeding station or a nesting box. As a feeding station, your house will stop other animals stealing your hedgehogs' food and protect...
Clare Stone |
You can use your hedgehog house as a feeding station or a nesting box. As a feeding station, your house will stop other animals stealing your hedgehogs' food and protect...
Alan Brimm |
Hedgehogs need to roam over a mile each night to get the food they need. Help them by making holes in your fences to create hedgehog highways.
Clare Stone |
Hedgehogs need to roam over a mile each night to get the food they need. Help them by making holes in your fences to create hedgehog highways.
Clare Stone |
When you first spot signs of hedgehogs in your garden, the temptation to leave out food and water is natural. But that well-intentioned bowl of cat food might be attracting...
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