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  • Are Hedgehogs Nocturnal?

    Are Hedgehogs Nocturnal?

    Hedgehogs are nocturnal, they go about their business at night and sleep in the daytime. But have you ever wondered why they live this way? Are they especially adapted to...

    Clare Stone |

  • Why Do Hedgehogs Self Anoint?

    Why Do Hedgehogs Self Anoint?

    Hedgehogs are ancient and exotic creatures with a unique appearance and some pretty outlandish behavioural traits. Perhaps top of the list of wired and wonderful hedgehog behaviour is the practice...

    Clare Stone |

  • Do Hedgehogs Have Fleas?

    Do Hedgehogs Have Fleas?

    Hedgehogs get a bad rep for being flea-ridden. But is it really deserved? Yes, hedgehogs do have fleas. But don't worry, it's perfectly natural, they won't infest your dog, your...

    Clare Stone |

  • How To Sex a Hedgehog

    How To Sex a Hedgehog

    Is that a Harry or a Hermione hedgehog you have snuffling around your garden? How can you know? You may think you can tell what sex a hedgehog is from...

    Clare Stone |

  • Christmas Gifts for Hedgehog Lovers

    Christmas Gifts for Hedgehog Lovers

    if you have a hedgehog lover on your Christmas gift list this year and you need inspiration. Or indeed if you love hedgehogs yourself and need to leave some little...

    Clare Stone |

  • How Is Climate Change Affecting Hedgehogs?

    How Is Climate Change Affecting Hedgehogs?

    Hedgehogs in the UK traditionally hibernate in October or November and come out again in March or April. But is this pattern changing due to global warming? Could climate change...

    Clare Stone |

  • The Best Hedgehog Books 2020

    The Best Hedgehog Books 2020

    When the weather outside is frightful there’s nothing more delightful than curling up and hibernating with a good hedgehog book. So here are our favourite hedgehog books for 2020, for...

    Clare Stone |

  • The Best Hedgehog Houses - How To Choose?

    The Best Hedgehog Houses - How To Choose?

    Our gardens are becoming an ever more important haven for hedgehogs and all wildlife. Providing a hedgehog house along with the freedom to roam and fresh food and water help...

    Clare Stone |

  • Why Do Hedgehogs Fight?

    Why Do Hedgehogs Fight?

    Many of our readers report seeing hedgehogs in their garden "fighting."  Whether you catch this action live or on trail cam it's a fascinating and often alarming sight: two pin...

    Clare Stone |

  • The Best Bedding for a Hedgehog House

    The Best Bedding for a Hedgehog House

    In their natural environment hedgehogs will happily gather up their own nesting material and build the nests they need for hibernation, breeding, or just a daytime nap. But as British...

    Clare Stone |

  • How To Make A Hedgehog Home

    How To Make A Hedgehog Home

    Soon it will be time for our hedgehogs to hibernate. Do you have suitable homes for them in your garden? Hibernation is one of the most challenging times of the...

    Clare Stone |

  • Why Do Hedgehogs Have Late Litters?

    Why Do Hedgehogs Have Late Litters?

    Every time I spot a poor little skinny hedgehog out and about in November, I ask myself why? After 15 million years why haven't hedgehogs stopped having babies so late...

    Clare Stone |