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  • When do Hedgehogs Have Babies?

    When do Hedgehogs Have Babies?

    Baby hedgehogs, called Hoglets, are born in the UK in June and July. A second litter may be born in September or October. They are usually 4 or 5 hoglets...

    Alan Brimm |

  • Can Hedgehogs Swim?

    Can Hedgehogs Swim?

    Your average hedgehog might not look like a natural athlete, but they are full of surprises. They climb, they run, and yes, they swim. The garden pond can be a...

    Clare Stone |

  • Will Hedgehogs Dig Holes In The Garden?

    Will Hedgehogs Dig Holes In The Garden?

    Being a keen gardener and loving wildlife usually go hand in hand. The one adds so much to the enjoyment of the other. But when holes start appearing in unexpected...

    Clare Stone |

  • Do Hedgehogs Eat Frogs?

    Do Hedgehogs Eat Frogs?

    As the first hedgehogs emerge from hibernation in March, so do the frogs, toads and newts in our gardens and countryside. Everyone is hungry. So who's eating what? Do hedgehogs...

    Clare Stone |

  • When Do Hedgehogs Come Out of Hibernation?

    When Do Hedgehogs Come Out of Hibernation?

    In the UK, hedgehogs typically come out of hibernation between March and May. There is a lot of variation between years, between different areas of the country and between different...

    Clare Stone |

  • How To Stop Cats Eating Hedgehog Food

    How To Stop Cats Eating Hedgehog Food

    Ooooh, this is a tricky one! Offering food to the hedgehogs who visit your garden can really help them to survive and thrive. But cats love most hedgehog food. Just...

    Clare Stone |

  • Where Do Hedgehogs Live?

    Where Do Hedgehogs Live?

    Hedgehogs have been around for 15 million years and today can be found from equatorial Africa to Finland. They are hardy and supremely adaptable. Yet in the UK habitat loss...

    Clare Stone |

  • Why Do Hedgehogs Hibernate?

    Why Do Hedgehogs Hibernate?

    The seasons seem strange just now you can't predict what the weather will do from one day to the next. We still had bees in the garden in November, and...

    Clare Stone |

  • How Long Do Hedgehogs Live?

    How Long Do Hedgehogs Live?

    It's often said that wild hedgehogs in the UK live for 2 - 3 years on average. This is true as far as it goes. But it's really just a...

    Clare Stone |

  • Will Cats Attack Hedgehogs?

    Will Cats Attack Hedgehogs?

    Hedgehogs in the UK are in trouble. Their numbers are rapidly declining, and as responsible wildlife gardeners, we need to do everything we can to help them when they are...

    Clare Stone |

  • How To Choose the Best Night Vision Binoculars

    How To Choose the Best Night Vision Binoculars

    If you love wildlife and encourage hedgehogs, birds and more into your garden, it won't be long before you get to wondering what's going on out there at night. The...

    Clare Stone |