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Rabbit Awareness Week 2015

Rabbit Awareness Week Rabbit Awareness Week takes place between May 9 and May 17, 2015. We hope to encourage all our customers to get involved, helped spread awareness and let you know about the activities that are taking place during RAW week.

Free Rabbit Health Checks

Many vets provide free rabbit health checks during Rabbit Awareness Week. This is the perfect time to take your bunny in for a check-up and to ask for advice if you have any concerns about the health and welfare of your small pet. We recommend all rabbit owners make the most of this opportunity, and perhaps have your rabbits vaccinated against RHD and Myxomatosis at the same time.  Find your participating veterinary practice by visiting: https://www.rabbitawarenessweek.co.uk/event-locator.

Change One Thing

Rabbit Awareness Week is also working hard to encourage owners to at least Change One Thing.  If you visit their website they offer information on dental care, introducing more fibre to your rabbit’s diet and the focusing on the emotional happiness of your rabbit. All three can be targeted by simply ensuring that you’re providing your rabbit with the correct diet by feeding mainly grass and or high quality hay. Just this one change will:

  • Help to prevent rabbits’ teeth from overgrowing. Hay and grass wear down the teeth evenly and prevent dental problems from occurring.

  • Grass and hay provide rabbits with essential digestible and indigestible fibre. Digestible fibre provides rabbits with nutrients and indigestible fibre helps to keep their digestive system working correctly.

  • Rabbits benefit emotionally if you allow rabbits to graze for additional grass, herbs, bark and safe plants using rabbit runs or in safe enclosed areas. Rabbits love to graze, it’s their natural behaviour and it provides them with stimulation and exercise.

Show your support for this amazing campaign by telling all your rabbit owning friends and visiting the RAW website. You can also stay up to date by following RAW on Twitter and Facebook.

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