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Rabbit Awareness Week Theme Announced

Rabbit Awareness Week 2017Rabbit awareness week

The theme for the11th annual Rabbit Awareness Week has been announced. This year the main focus will be on the importance of feeding fresh grass and hay to help the dental, digestive and emotional health of these wonderful pets.  Rabbits need to eat plenty of grass and hay. In fact, 85 to 90% of the diet needs to be fresh grass and quality hay. Is your rabbit getting enough? Shockingly, the PDSA 2016 report showed that only 30% of rabbit owners questioned gave their rabbits constant access to hay. Therefore, it is hoped that the campaign for RAW 2017 will educate rabbit owners and help improve the lives of one of the most poorly looked after pets in the UK.

You can help by spreading the news with your friends and family and ensuring your rabbits get enough hay and grass. The hashtag #hoptohay is being used on social media sites to help spread the word. You can also find out all the latest news on the 2017 Rabbit Awareness Week by visiting their website. There will be plenty of events taking place all over the country.

In Other News

Vets Urged to Help Improve Rabbit Welfare

Veterinary professionals are being encouraged to take part in an online survey in a bid to improve rabbit welfare. Vets and veterinary nurses are being asked to contribute to the survey being run by The University of Bristol’s Animal Welfare and Behaviour Group.  The group hopes to gain an understanding of the perception of pain in pet rabbits and understand how rabbit pain is being treated in clinics.

Researchers aim to improve the welfare of rabbits by improving the understanding of pain in rabbits. The questionnaires are available at the following links and they take about 15 minutes to complete.

Vets Survey

VN’s Survey

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